Inspired by her father Bruce Willis’ courageous journey through frontotemporal dementia, Tallulah Willis, the youngest daughter of Bruce and Demi Moore, recently shared her own transformative diagnosis. In a deeply personal moment that resonated with fans, the 30-year-old actress and artist revealed her autism diagnosis while reflecting on a cherished memory with her father.
On March 15, Tallulah posted a nostalgic Instagram video to her 408,000 followers. The clip captured a tender moment from her childhood, showing her on a red carpet, playing with her father’s shaved head as he held her. The video was captioned:
“Tell me you’re autistic without telling me you’re autistic [sic].”
The post quickly became a conversation starter about autism, as followers celebrated the sweet bond between father and daughter. Many noticed Tallulah’s repetitive gestures, known as “stimming,” a common behavior among individuals on the autism spectrum.
One follower commented,
“The beautiful way he just wasn’t even phased by that and just continued to hold you. Your dad is one-of-a-kind honey, and so are you.”
Another added,
“In your defense, shaved heads are as relaxing as little Japanese sand zen gardens.”
Among the many responses, one comment from a psychologist specializing in neurodivergent conditions stood out. The user asked if Tallulah had been diagnosed as a child. In response, she revealed:
“This is the first time I’ve ever publicly shared my diagnosis. Found out this summer, and it’s changed my life.”